Dear Sirs, My family has been riding and racing in IL for a very long time. It's basically our lifestyle. The State of IL has some of the best privately own facilities in the country, in which we enjoy riding our off road all summer long.. They are all of course closed waiting for the state to give them something to work with. Many of our friends are traveling to all the surrounding states to ride. Please note we are not like traditional sports, it's not a team sport nor does it have an social contact in this process. There are sustainably more people packing into a Walmart, or a Menards on a weekend then we would be riding in a timber that is 100 acres at the smallest or riding on a track which has huge parking lots where we can social distance ourselves very easy. We are not asking for special treatment here, just some common sense. Our sport is small and fragile with many of the facilities having to endure 2 years of rain soaked summers (like the farmers last season) we all will be looking for a place to ride and even race if they can't open and survive. This time of the year is crucial, and while many business's enjoy 260 days of operation (52 x 5days a week) the parks and tracks we go to get 72 days. This is weather permitting of course. Think about that for a second? We work all week to enjoy our sport, we have 72 weekend days to utilize this and that is if it isn't raining every weekend like it has. The time is now. We will lose 30-40% of our riding facilities if this year isn't opened up soon. The majority of these places are single family owned business's with normally seasonal help, which means they haven't faired well with PPP or any other program. They will cease to exist. Hopefully when you think of Golf, Baseball, and all the other recreational exercise activity going on, our sport fits the individual type outdoor activity and by it's nature has social distancing built into it. Please allow us to ride utilizing the same guidelines as neighboring states in which you have formed a coalition with. thank you.