Trials |
1. SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS A. Supplementary regulations are special rules or requirements that will be in force for a trial. The AMA Racing Rules, and the District 17 Supplementary Regulations, together, inform the Rider of everything needed to know to compete. Riders meetings may be used to transmit the information contained in the supplementary regulations. The number of observed Sections and loops and the start time/end time must be announced in the supplementary regulations. 2. RIDER REQUIREMENTS A. Classes: Novice: A novice level rider is at the entry level. Obstacles should be small and generally capable of being ridden over without the ability to loft the front wheel. The emphasis for section layout for this level rider should be on basic turns, simple hills and cambers with control of the bike. Intermediate: A rider at the intermediate skill level has the ability to attempt the most basic obstacles including logs, rocky terrain, hills of moderate difficulty and tight turns. Most riders at this level can overcome logs or small rock ledges by lofting the front of the bike but may not cannot precisely place the front wheel. Advanced: A rider at this skill level is competent to negotiate steep hills and off-camber turns, can use “unweighting” techniques to clear logs higher than the skid plate and can climb obstacles of a moderate height so long as a steep drop-off does not immediately follow. Expert: A rider at this skill level is competent to participate in the AMA/NATC national support classes. The rider should have skills to include an ability to precisely place the front wheel so as to negotiate obstacles at an angle to the path, even on a steep descent. Champ: A rider at this skill level can readily compete in the AMA/NATC national support classes and beyond. The rider should have skills at maneuvering the bike by hopping, climbing undercut rock ledges, lofting the front end for “wheelie drops” and other similar techniques that demonstrate expertise in the sport. Women: The Women’s class will ride the novice line unless the entire group decides before the event to ride another line due to skill level or other reasons. The appropriate skills need to fit the class line being ridden per the above class descriptions. Senior: A senior rider shall be at least 50 years old as of the event date. The senior class will ride the advanced line unless the entire group decides before the event to ride another line and/or less than three loops due to skill level and safety concerns. The appropriate skills need to fit the class line being ridden per the above class descriptions. Youth: Youth class riders may be no older than 12 as of January 1st of the current year and ride a bike no larger than 125cc in displacement. Youth class riders will ride the novice line and therefore must possess the same basic skills as a novice level rider. The Youth riders are asked to be under adult supervision during the event in case they may need assistance and for mentoring. Vintage: To qualify as a vintage bike, it will have twin shocks, an air-cooled engine, no hydraulics (except suspension), and drum brakes. The vintage class will ride the intermediate line unless the entire group decides before the event to ride another line due to skill level and safety concerns. The appropriate skills need to fit the class line being ridden per the above class descriptions. Exhibition/Trail bike: Non- District Points class which may be included for non-trials bikes in which Knobby tires are allowed. B. Apparel/Protective Gear 1. Helmet: A helmet that meets AMA or FIM approval is required to be worn whenever operating a motorcycle at a Trials site. 2. Boots: Boots must be worn in all meets. They must be at least 8 inches high with any combination of laces, buckles, or zippers, or specifically designed and constructed for leg and foot protection. 3. Riding garment: Any suitable material or configuration consistent with motorcycle competition is permitted. Long sleeve jerseys are recommended, three-inch-minimum short sleeves are legal. Back protection is highly recommended. 3. MOTORCYCLE REQUIREMENTS A: Handlebar-mounted Wrist tether-type motor-killing device. (Exceptions may be made for exhibition/trail bike class, in which case normal handlebar mounted kill switch must still be used.) B: Front brake disc guard installed. C: A (¼” minimum thickness) pad must be installed to cover the handlebar cross-brace or mounting plate. D: All motorcycles must not emit a sound exceeding 88 dB (A) measured at 50 feet or 96 dB (A) at 20 inches. E: Approved spark arrestors may be required in some locations. F. Miscellaneous: The same motorcycle must be ridden throughout the Trial. 4. MINDERS. A: Only one Minder is allowed for each Rider. B: A Minder must be able to present a current AMA membership card or prove valid AMA membership if requested at each Trial. C: A Minder must sign all required release forms and wear approved riding apparel always. D: A Minder must abide by all applicable rules. Minders are only allowed in the Sections when their Riders are attempting a Section or as otherwise allowed by the Observer. E: Approved motorcycle-type helmets are required to be worn by the Minders while the Minder is in the Section and the Minder’s Rider is attempting the Section, as well as when the Minder is riding a motorcycle on the Course. F: A Minder is not permitted to move any objects within the Sections, and cannot provide a foot berm, foot kicker, or any other direct means of helping within a Section, and cannot reinforce an obstacle within the Section.
5. COURSE LAYOUT AND MARKING. A: Recommendations for section layout: Novice: no clutch needed, 2 bike length approach, skid plate or smaller logs, no diagonal logs, no off camber turns. Intermediate: 1 bike length approach, slightly above skid plate or smaller logs, 6 inch or smaller diagonal logs, easy camber turns with an escape route. Advanced: 12-inch approach, 24 inch or smaller logs square on, 12 inch or smaller diagonal logs, off camber turns slightly wider than full lock to allow for errors. Expert: full lock turn radius, floater turns, 36-inch logs square on, 24-inch diagonal logs, difficult but not dangerous off cambers. Champ: hopping for setup required, ride-able obstacles. B: Two-way traffic on a single lane path is not permitted on the loop/transfer sections. C: The Section boundaries and markers must be maintained in the condition presented to the first Rider. No sections shall be changed or altered after the event starts (first rider goes out) No Rider should be allowed to ride the Section until it is repaired. D: Continuous (Double) Sections are not allowed.
6. SCORING Scoring will be based on the system as follows: A. Fault Definitions: 1. Footing: any contact providing support between any part of the Rider’s body or motorcycle (exceptions: tires, foot pegs, or skid plate) with the ground or an obstacle (tree, rock, etc.). Footing can occur either inside or outside the Section boundaries. For tires outside the boundary, refer to 6.B.13. Note that ‘toe dabs’ will be counted as footing. 2. Foot rotation counts as one point. 3. Sliding a foot counts as three points. 4. Both feet placed on the ground simultaneously counts as two points. B. Failure Definitions: 1. The motorcycle moving backwards, with or without the Rider footing. 2. Any displacement, breaking, or knocking down of markers by direct contact of the motorcycle or Rider requiring that the marker be reset to its original position is a Failure. Touching a boundary is not a Failure. 3. The Rider dismounts from the motorcycle and has both feet on the ground on the same side of the motorcycle, or if both the Rider’s legs are behind the motorcycle’s rear tire with both feet on the ground. 4. The Rider does not have both hands on the handlebar when footing while stationary. 5. The Rider receives deliberate outside assistance. 6. The Rider or Minder changes the condition of a Section while not riding the Section. 7. The engine stops while footing or while any other part of the motorcycle, except for the tires, is used for support, without forward motion. The motorcycle must be moving forward while footing with a dead engine to avoid a 5-point score. 8. The handlebar touches the ground and the motorcycle is more than 45-degrees from vertical. 9. The motorcycle does a complete loop in a Section—crossing both its own tracks with tracks from both tires. 10. The Rider fails to pass through all the gates for the Rider’s class. 11. The front wheel must precede the back wheel when passing through the gates. 12. The Rider passes, in either direction, through a gate of another class—that is, breaking the plane of a gate. 13. Either tire passes on the out-of-bounds side of the Section boundary with the tire on the ground. In the case of running over a taped boundary, for a Failure to occur there must be ground visible between the tape and the tire and the tire must be on the ground on the out-of-bounds side of the tape. It is permitted to float one wheel over an exterior Section boundary, but not both tires. Jumping the motorcycle so that it travels outside of a boundary is a Failure. 14. The front axle does not pass through the Start and End gates, and all other gates for the class. 15. A Rider may only pass through any gate one time per Section attempt. 16. Failure to wear a functional wrist-tether type motor-killing device and have it connected to the motorcycle. 17. Only the greatest penalty, as defined above, shall be counted for the Section. However, other penalty points, may be added as listed in 6, C, 1-15.
C. Other Penalties: 1. If the Rider chooses to not attempt a Section, the Rider must report to the Observer with the Rider’s score card to receive a "5" for that Section. 2. Sections are to be ridden in the designated order only. The penalty for missed Sections, or Sections ridden out of order, is 10 points per Section. Any Sections not scored and punched are missed Sections. 3. If blank or unmarked spaces on the scorecards exceed 10-percent of designated rides, the Rider will be considered a non-finisher. 4. Any Section ridden more than once per loop will receive 10 points, in addition to the first attempt score. 5. Practice in any of the Sections before or during the Trial will result in disqualification of the Rider from the Trial. 6. A Rider arriving late at the start will be penalized a time penalty of a half-point per minute until the Rider picks up the Rider’s loop card. 7. After the time limit, the Rider may arrive late, but penalty points will be added for arrival at the finish check after scheduled time at the rate of one half-point per minute. Any Rider turning in a scorecard later than 30 minutes after the Rider’s scheduled time shall be disqualified. 8. A Rider cutting the course or going backwards on the Course may be disqualified at the discretion of the Referee. 9. A Rider must complete the entire Course under the power of the Rider and the Rider’s motorcycle, without outside assistance.
7. POINTS SCHEDULE A: The best of 80% of all scheduled events. B: AMA 30 point scale will be used.