In consideration of being granted an amateur competition number and in consideration of being permitted to enter competition events, during the current racing year from 1/1/25 to 1/31/26, sanctioned by the American Motorcyclist Association and under the rules of The District 17 AMA Club Council.
I hereby release, and agree to hold harmless the American Motorcyclist Association, the promoters, the owners and lessees of the premises, the participants, and the officers, directors, officials, representatives, agents and employees of all of them, of and from all liability, loss, damage or injury (including death) to my person or property, in any way resulting from, or arising in connection with all District 17 events, and whether arising while engaged in competition or in practice or preparation there for, or while upon, entering or departing from said premises, from any cause whatsoever. I know the risk and danger to myself and property while upon said events, so voluntarily and in reliance, upon my own judgment and ability, and I thereby assume all risk for loss, damage or injury (including death) to myself and my property from any cause whatsoever.
I understand that a District 17 Card for Amateur Events is subject to American Motorcyclist Association Rules for Competition and that of District 17 AMA Club Council.